What do you need for a tarot reading?
Tarot Ronnie Cane Tarot Ronnie Cane

What do you need for a tarot reading?

I could open and close this article within the first sentence by simply saying “duh, you need tarot cards to do a tarot reading, obviously”. But, (just as) obviously - that wouldn’t make for much of an article! Instead, in this article, I’ll unpack every tool and trinket that, other than the tarot cards themselves, are seen as ‘must haves’ to both beginner and expert tarot users alike.

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The top 15 software for astrology in 2024
Astrology Ronnie Cane Astrology Ronnie Cane

The top 15 software for astrology in 2024

From our in-depth research into astrology and the myriad astrological software on the web, we’re informed enough to help your astrology practice take a quantum leap by aiding you on your hunt for the right astrology software for you.

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The alchemical journey to enlightenment
Alchemy Ronnie Cane Alchemy Ronnie Cane

The alchemical journey to enlightenment

The alchemical path is your spiritual journey towards enlightenment; the path to find oneness; the return to the source (you may wish to call this God). Transfiguration is the driving force of this alchemical voyage, to turn lead into gold, not in a literal sense but a philosophical, internal sense.

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