What do you need for a tarot reading?

I could open and close this article within the first sentence by simply saying “duh, you need tarot cards to do a tarot reading, obviously”. But, (just as) obviously - that wouldn’t make for much of an article! Instead, in this article, I’ll unpack every tool and trinket that, other than the tarot cards themselves, are seen as ‘must haves’ to both beginner and expert tarot users alike.


Setting up your sacred space

There are lots of ways to do this and you will have to figure this out for yourself, intuitively, in order for your space to be truly authentic.

The first thing to consider for a tarot reading is the space that it’s going to take place in. For example, are you going to want to pull your cards out and display a Celtic cross spread on the London Underground? I highly doubt it! You’re going to be wanting to create a much more sacred space for your reading, instead.


Things to consider for the space that you do your tarot reading in:

Safety and sound

The example given before about doing tarot cards on a busy public transport carriage is one of a million. There are, probably, more places that are unsafe, crowded and noisy than there are safer and quieter spaces, after all. However, you’ve got to resist the temptation to not treat tarot as a sacred act. Tarot is an act of divination that warrants the respect of a quiet and safe environment where you can connect fully to the cards and your intuition. It should, really, go without saying, but safety is paramount. And, I promise, a nice soundscape will do you and your cards wonders, too!

Atmosphere and ambience

Some readers prefer to set the mood with candles, incense, crystals, or soft music to enhance their intuition and create a calming atmosphere. You have to ask yourself - what would your sacred space look like, if you could create it? Because the good news is that you can!

Comfort and boundaries

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This can help you focus on the reading and the energies involved. The last thing you want when doing a tarot reading is for your parent or partner to burst in to your room and tell you dinner is ready or there’s a household responsibility you’ve missed…


Setting up your table

Now, like most things, where you like to pull your tarot cards varies from person to person. Some people might like to sit crossed leg on their bedroom floor and pull their tarot cards onto their carpet. Whatever works for them. On the contrary, perhaps in more professional tarot scenarios, you’ll seldom find a tarot reading that’s taking place without, first - a table, and second - a divination cloth on top of it. A divination cloth, or more colloquially a ‘tarot table cloth’, is a fabric used during tarot readings to provide a clean and dedicated surface for laying out the tarot cards. Many believe that using a dedicated cloth for readings helps to contain and focus spiritual energy or create a sacred space for the reading. It can act as a form of ritual, helping the reader and querent enter a more reflective or meditative state.


Getting your tarot cards ready for reading

Once you’ve got your sacred space set up and a table in front of you with your favourite divination cloth, you’re ready to prepare your tarot cards for a tarot reading!

As I keep repeating in this article, many things vary between one tarot reader to the next. However, one thing that no tarot reader can go without is a place to store their tarot cards. Whether you’re using a lightweight velvet zip bag or a clunkier wooden or metal storage box - having your tarot cards sat out in the open is a no no.

Tarot readers have various rituals and methods for preparing their tarot cards for a reading. These practices are often deeply personal and can vary based on the preferences of the reader. One habit that is actually recommended by tarot readers, though, is that of ‘cleaning’ your tarot cards. And, no - I do not mean washing them in the sink with hot soapy water like you do your dishes. That will be a big mistake and will wipe clean nothing other than your opinions of yourself…


By cleaning, I mean a ritualistic energy cleaning. Cleansing can help ensure that the cards are energetically neutral and ready to provide clear and accurate insights. This is why tarot readers tend to cleanse their deck between each reading to remove any residual energies from previous readings or external influences. This can be done a variety of ways. Such as:

  • Cleaning tarot cards with smoke cleansing: Passing the deck through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or incense is a popular method. This is believed to purify the cards and remove any negative or stagnant energy.

  • Cleaning tarot cards with sound healing: Some readers use sound to cleanse their decks, such as ringing a bell, playing a tuning fork, or using a singing bowl near the cards.

  • Cleaning tarot cards with the help of sunlight or moonlight: Placing the deck under the light of the full moon or in sunlight can also serve as a form of energetic cleansing and charging.

  • Cleaning tarot cards by using crystals: Placing a crystal (such as selenite, clear quartz, or amethyst) on or near the deck can help cleanse and recharge the cards.

  • Cleaning tarot cards through methods of visualisation: Visualising a bright light surrounding the deck can be a powerful cleansing practice. The reader imagines the light removing any unwanted energy from the cards.


Reading your cards

At this point, you’ve set up your sacred space, taken your tarot cards out of storage and cleaned them of their energies ready for reading. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and read them! If you’re not sure how, exactly, to read your tarot cards - that’s okay. Everyone is a beginner at some point - much like The Fool himself! There are various websites and channels, like ours at Philomath TV that can teach you how to understand the tarot.


Displaying your tarot cards

tarot card stand by tarotaccessories.com

Typically, you will be pulling your tarot cards out of their tarot deck and displaying them on your divination cloth in the form of a tarot spread. You can find a great list of easy to learn tarot spreads in this article by The Tarot Guide.

If you want to take it a step further, you can even display your tarot cards on a tarot card display such as the tarot card stands at tarotaccessories.com. Tarot card stands are small, often decorative holders designed to display tarot cards upright during a reading or as part of a personal or spiritual altar. These stands serve both practical and aesthetic purposes, allowing readers to keep cards visible and easily accessible while creating a visually appealing display.


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