Modern considerations
“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection.”
— Carl Gustav Jung
Understanding the modern astrological considerations in your natal astrology chart
How to interpret Chiron in your natal chart
Chiron, or more officially, the minor planet 2060-Chiron, is a ringed centaur asteroid that orbits between Jupiter and Neptune that was discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal and was named after the superlative centaur in Greek mythology - Chiron. Chiron was called the “wisest and justest of all the centaurs” by his brethren and is the embodiment of the wounded healer archetype.
Chiron can stay in a zodiac sign from anywhere between two to eight years. Thus, Chiron’s zodiac sign within your natal chart and the house that it resides in can bring you a lot of cathartic teaching. After all, like the shaman, what wounds us can become our greatest strength. Only a shamed man (woman) can be a shaman and only a man (woman) skilled in the art of alchemy can stop licking their wounds (lead) and turn (alchemise) them into gifts (gold).
How to interpret Lilith / Black Moon Lilith in your natal chart
Lilith, often referred to as the "Black Moon Lilith," is a hypothetical point in astrology that represents the farthest distance between the Moon and Earth in its elliptical orbit. Unlike a physical celestial body, Lilith is a calculated point that is believed to hold symbolic significance.
In astrology, Lilith is associated with female empowerment, rebellion, and the hidden or unconscious aspects of the self. It may reveal areas where an individual feels suppressed or undervalued. By understanding Lilith's placement in a natal chart, one can identify untapped potential and areas for personal growth. Your Lilith signifies the qualities that, if developed and nurtured, could significantly alter the course of a person's life. It represents the hidden power or talent that, when brought to light, can lead to greater fulfilment and achievement.